Sunday, April 24, 2016

Multiple links to educational sites

The link above is an awesome website for kids who love math! This website has numerous math games that kids can play and spend a lot of time and even learn as they are playing games. So to the parents who give their kids technology devices to let them play, give them this website to actually have them learn something!

Another link is this spelling city where kids can get more spelling practices and to enhance their vocabulary. Kids can play games, watch videos, ask questions regarding different words, learn tactics and much more.

Kids can learn more about thanksgiving and watch videos about the first thanksgiving as well. This site provides photos, letters, teaching resources, and what daily life actually was back then.

If kids or the parents want their kids to have some practice for standardized tests, this is a site they can go on. From English to mathematics, kids will be able to practice and enhance their knowledge in every subject and become smarter each and every day.

If your kid has a question regarding a certain math problem, a question about a word or phrase, or anything along the lines of what they are learning in school, they can go onto this site and ask away. There are also other websites they can go and learn more and more each day. More questions equal more knowledge.

Below are more sites for kids to visit and spend some time on. Each and every site will help kids learn and prepare them for their classes.

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