Tuesday, February 2, 2016

About Brett Baker

Hello! My name is Brett Baker and I'm writing Digital Storybooks for kids to help children who are bored of reading or don't find it very fun to experience a whole new adventure they can have buy just choosing different choice. I'm also writing this blog to share my ideas for kids to become more interacted in what they are learning. I am a student at Illinois State University and am also engaged to a beautiful women who is also attending the same school. We both volunteer at our church each Sunday in the children ministry, ages 3-4 pre-school, and we love working with the kids and teaching them. Every Sunday after the early church service, we would go back and meet up with our kids ranging from 10 to 25 kids each week, and we would greet the parents and kids at the same time and would play with the kids, teach them about Jesus, and read to them until their parents came back from their church service. I enjoy being with the kids and seeing them at this age solving problems and making decisions. 

What made me think of this Digital Storybook was the thought of how this technological world is now turning kids minds and attention to televisions and other screens and tech stuff. So why not create something that will be up to date with the other technology but will also teach the kids to learn and become adventurous and creative with what they are trying to accomplish. 

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